Sunday, January 1, 2012

Taking off my Mask

I was watching Criminal Minds the other day when I heard a quote that I felt completely applied to me. "We all wear masks and the time comes when you can't remove them without removing our own skin." Since the time I was a kid I felt like I have been wearing a mask. I felt like there was something wrong with who I was, and so I put on this mask to try and fit in with others. As I try to take the mask off now, I feel like I am taking off my own skin with it. I feel like I don't know who I really am anymore.

I have always done things the way I felt like others would want me to do it. I would walk on egg shells when talking to others to make sure that I would be liked by everyone. I feared that if I was going to be myself that no one would understand or love me. This blog is my way to express who I really am in an attempt to feel like I can take off my mask and be ME! It will be a road to self discovery.

I contemplated telling the readers to not judge me too harshly for the things that I will be writing about, but then I realized that this isn't about you. This is about me and judge me all you want, I will finally continue to be me regardless. Ironically I am currently listening to Toby Keith as I write this blog. This song is singing about exactly the point I want to get across. The song is titled "Love Me If You Can" the chorus goes like this: I'm a man of my convictions. Call me wrong, call me right. But I bring my better angels to every fight. You may not like where I'm going, but you sure know where I stand. Hate me if you want to, love me if you can!

Please stay tuned for the next piece as I continue in the attempt to take off my mask...

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